Brush Strokes Image Editor

Brush Strokes Image Editor 1.01 is a bitmap graphics editor made by Paul Bird for the Microsoft Windows operating system. The current free version has a memory leak making the editing of large images impossible.

* GIF animations
* filters (e.g. blur, sharpen, negative, outline, posterize)
* transformations (e.g. rotation, perspective, twist)
* colour adjustment
* selections (e.g. magic wand, colour selections)
* paint tools (e.g. pen, brush, clone tool)
* pattern and image fills
* transparency
* feathering
* crop

The "Filters & Lenses" tool box has a noise reduction function that retains edges within the canvas. It does a surprisingly good job of eliminating speckles and smudging in JPEG images. Any of the filters can be applied repeatedly for two seconds by clicking on the last button in the tool box. The first row of buttons in the tool box apply the current pen color as a semi-transparent gradient superimposed on the canvas:

* Top to bottom
* Right to left
* Bottom to top
* Left to right

The "Distortions" tool box performs horizontal & vertical flips and rotations. It also contains the "stretch or twist" and "perspective" tools, which unfortunately don't apply anti-aliasing (in the free version, at least). However, the "Text" tool in the "Pens & Brushes" toolbox does apply anti-aliasing (if enabled via the Control Panel for Windows), and is easy and convenient to use.

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